Pulling the crux is intense - learning the ropes doesn’t have to be
The Skillzboard™ platform gives climbers the opportunity to practice new maneuvers and test new setups in a simulated environment where a mistake won’t mean injury or death.
Versatile Mounting Capabilities

If you own or rent a door, you can practice your technical climbing skills. Using our door blocker, simply drape the straps over the door, close the door, pull the slack out, and you're ready to go!

Sling a tree or vertical pole anywhere from your backyard to the crag and get practicing! Just wrap the TREE HUGGER strap around the pole of your choosing, tighten the strap, and clip the carabiners on the board to the daisy loops!

You can also use your doorway pull-up bar to easily mount the Skillzboard™ using the mounting strap or a pair of carabiners or quickdraws.